Thursday, November 11, 2010

fergit agin

i almost forgot i started this blog....i could use the excuse that some of the letters on my keyboard are broken and its too frustrating to type anything anymore...or tell you that ive just been travelling all summer and couldnt remember my ogin information...or that facebook is my new blogspot? well, im here ready to post some love up for you family and fer me hearties...this week has been filled with laughter because India is talking up a storm and she says the funniest she explained how carrots grow and frogs hop and why and whatfor and whatever and it took a really long time and it was hilariously inaccurate. Scarlett is in her second session of ballet and shes so sweet...she sings and dances everyday and just loves folowing her teacher around and walking on her tippiest toes. everyones hair is longer...our farm share is almost over...the heater gets turned on every morning now...the time change will afford me some moments for blogging. there really is so

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

bringing the old

i am amazed at the feelings i process when someone is a cross between overwhelming release, deep old love, pure joy and appreciation for transitions. Spring is such a time of transition...what a beautiful time to the green and baby fresh new push their way up and open.... the older, wiser and ready are slowing, sleeping and ready to become earth again. I see images of dear auntie pat before i was even born...running around with three boys, so young beautiful and witty. black and white memories with polka dot dresses and short mowed lawns. faces that look like faces of all of us. freckles, laughter...and such appreciation she had of love and the hearts of people. surrounded by flowers. surrounded by friends. living in beauty and reaching out to family. i will miss you sweet soul!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

tomorrow may rain...

i'll follow the sun. wow almost a whole month since ive posted. ive been so neglectful....but not to my life, interests or kids. here are a few words and you can play word association with them, or just put them together in or out of order to peep into what all we've been up to the last 3 weeks

loops.hoops.singing.painting.pastel.body paint.banjo.synthetic organ.pawn lady.beach.yarn.washing wool.alpaca.sparkle.shoebox.jew harps.spring flowers.marmalade.pastimes.miracles.cleverness.lending trees.psychic plants. lable making and beet soup. and im sure much more...but now for something completely different. scarlett self portraits...and her seed project

Friday, March 12, 2010

winter marsh

the wind was quiet and the birds were whispering. its always green somewhere in the marsh. i really liked walking to the train tracks and checking out all the concrete and wood and metal leftover from the past and adding contrast to the renewing energy of the marsh. the ebb and flow. its like the moons journal.

Monday, March 1, 2010

mating birds and gnome chones

it was a fun filled week...finally felt normal after a surprise jaunt up to oregon in search of hot springs. I caught some poison oak using the forrest as a loo...met samson the amazing t-rex at OMSI, fell in love with noodles on the streets of portland, gave a weather report on tv (for real), went to the zoo and saw an amazingly colorful bird (was too spaced out to catch the name) running around crazy with spring fever, got some handmade love in the mail from batik bum, sewed a new cover for my omen quest cards, found something to make me laugh until i pee here, attended an alter ego party and met some great artists, made some new hair and dress for matilda, and probably missed out on some good ole fashioned sleep! last nights dinner: chicken curry soup with coconut lime risotto....yummy!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

bike about

we had a great bike about today...which is my new term for when you know you gotta get the kids in the car, go send some mail, go to the bank, get loads of groceries, and play at the park...but normally we get in the car to do this...but not today...we biked was great! too bad i dont have any pics of the cute littles in the bike trailer...all snuggly and dry while mamas legs burned up that hill to get to union street, which leads to the park...oh my!

Friday, February 5, 2010

wed, again!

yay for wednesdays! we love going to hands on craft and being surprised by the craft activity and enjoying an hour or so of fun creative energy. Its really different than crafting at home. It seems like it would be the same...but instead of creating the concept for my kids, then setting up and cleaning up...we get to just show up and its all ready to go! So nice. And i love all of the cute ideas Mia comes up with, shes so inspirational and whimsical...very elvin! So this week we made necklaces with found objects and some felt heart cut outs. cute...easy...india mostly tries to color on herself or eat things. good fun. then after we went on a short walk through the enchanted by a shower of rain and spied teeny tiny mushrooms. it was a great morning!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

bulking up

Happy Imbolc! I dont really care if winter stays for another month or so, or if Spring comes early. I do care, however, that its about that time to start mapping out the summer festival circuit...and now that my youngest tiny will be 2 this summer...the face of our summer touring and travel has significantly changed. I think it will be easier now that they can both dance and run around...thank goodness I have that double stroller! (i love you BOB)
Our little family is on a bit of a routine now that Scarlett is attending gymnastics, ballet and fairy school. While some things are the same, having to be someplace at a specific time is really different for us. So far so good...and I am diligently working on the website...bulking up supplies and products for the spring/summer launch. I also seem to have many side art projects going on, which is great for me as long as i can remember to take some time out for a walk or workout. Yoga in the livingroom usually means i get a knee in my back while my hair is being raked with a fork. good fun. Fiber batt workshop went well last night. see:

Friday, January 22, 2010

tilly? where are you?

i was imagining a forest landscape laden with fog and lush with dew...when i suddenly realized that i haven't seen matilda in months! How could this happen? she rode along to santa barbara with us...which was fun because she always thinks to stop and smell the flowers in the best places! After we got home I wrapped her up in her tiny home and there she hibernated. supposedly safe. reassuringly sound...and now shes missing!
there are only two possible explanations: #1- she got up and walked away. Although this seems like the most unlikely of the two scenarios, its the most logical, i like it. #2- she went home with someone else. not that i can recall lending her out..she may have stowed away in some childs bag or pocket, seeking another lifetime of adventure. whichever the reason, nothing changes the fact that shes just plain missing. and im missing her. so...matilda, if you are out there...come back!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

beets beat it pink for free

dipping the wool

and chased her until she caught him

he understands about bills and charge accounts...tries to be on hand to help in an emergency

cooking beets? why not dye some wool while you enjoy each tender bite of root candy? sure, why not! Nothing beats the pretty pinkish, slightly fleshy...maybe a hint of white peach, but so skin pink of the beet juice! beet juice loves wool anyhow, so let them kiss! And while I get all giddy, pink and fleshy for the upcoming heart holiday, let me share my tiny thrift store score. A beautiful gift book with illustrations that please the eyes as much as they warm the heart. enjoy!

Monday, January 11, 2010

mountain birthdays

we so love humboldt county! Its so amazingly beautiful here, and on Saturday when the earth rumbled and groaned we were celebrating my dear friend Amy's son Psalm's 3rd birthday! so perfect. so serene. tramploines and confetti rockets. wild gardens and sprawling meadows. circus clowns and painted faces. the big top adorned with streamers. mama hugs and baby kisses. wow...such an awesome experience, and so great to celebrate life amongst such amazing people and vivid landscape. thank you. thank you thank you