Sunday, April 26, 2009

portland childrens yeah

the portland childrens is amazing. here are a few images. here is a list of what you will find there: a huge water play room, complete with smocks; a digger area with shovels, pulleys and dumptrucks; a treehouse with bird perches and log tunnels; quiet reading room; kindergarden activity room; clay pottery studio; co-op canvas painting studio; night walkway with colored lights, babies only room with tidepool touch pool; a big stage with soundboard, lightbox, instuments and bins of dress-up attire;cafe with good eats; a builers room treehouse with magnet room and hammer like crazy room; indoor playground run all over and swing from it thing; and some other stuff.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

food blogs

i found the best food blog. This woman is a knitter and a major foodie and makes beautiful vegan food. There are great descriptions, easy recipes that sound soooo good. There are videos!!! That is the best part...I just watched half a dozen and its so inspirational...not to mention makes me feel like getting new cookware hahaha well check it out

Sunday, April 19, 2009

truckin part two

ohhh k. when we went up to Oregon...we stopped at IKEA. This is something i was looking forward to for a really long time...long story short...we needed some furniture. It was amazing...not only did we get 10% off our entire order due to some in-store special...but we scored in the "as-is" section of the store and took advantage of some store special deals. I guess if you use your debt card, you get huge coupons!! I have only been to IKEA once...mostly because i watched fight club a lot back then...oh by the way...i have a bar of fight club is sooo rad! okay anyway, yeah its huge and there aren't any sales people...and seriously you can get lost...there IS a supervised kids area, but S is too small...and really she wanted to "play" in the livingrooms and kitchens, was so much fun. Now that I consider myself an IKEA expert...I have some wisdom to share for those of you heading there anytime soon.

1. call ahead and make sure they have what you want!! This is huge as they had a ton of stuff in the store that wasn't in catalog or online...and vice-versa.

2. do a stock check...and ask them to "hold" it for you...yeah this really works...but only on weekdays.

3. go ahead and break the rules...carts in the elevator, food in the showroom, merch in the cafe, pulled item in the aisles (pull all your stuff, then swing by and get it on the flatbed) break the rules because there aren't very many people working, so no one will stop you.
4. ask for HELP...they try not to get involved, but really, ask and ye shall receive. They have it set up to be self serve...but there was no way I could push a furniture flatbed, a cart, carry the yellow bag, a baby and a 3 yr old all while trying to navigate the huge store. That would have been a sight!
thank you Becca for helping us that day...seriously couldn't have done it without you...but wouldn't have had nearly as much fun without you!

Monday, April 13, 2009

another candy festival

yippee...Easter! This year Scarlett really enjoyed hunting for eggs and finding little candy treasures...painting and dyeing eggs, and wearing bunny ears. We also had a nice dinner and felt very thankful for all the miracles! Oh the sweets. Well, luckily, it wasnt a repeat of Halloween...she is getting better at having a little piece and moving on till later...instead of trying to shove it all down her throat before it gets taken away, like some sort of rabid animal...holy moly! It was a mellow day...what with my broken toe and all, i didnt feel like doing a whole lot. haha broken sounds so silly, but it is such a bother! A complete inconvenience...simple things like carrying the baby, or sweeping a floor have become skilled acts of balance and i have a new fear of breaking a toe on my other foot. anyway...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

truckin' (part 1)

In the beginning, the idea of a roadtrip up to Oregon to visit my mom for a few days seemed simple. That was in January. In February, I decided to add Portland Zoo and Children's Museum. In march I added Ikea and visit with good friends. At the last minute the Aquarium and so much more. To put it lightly, we had a GREAT time. Scarlett (a seasoned tripper) was well packed with snacks, books, toys, potty and the DVD she was fine for the 8-10 hour long hauls. India was a greenhorn. Overall she did great...after the first 3-4 hours it became apparent to her that she was going to be strapped in for long periods of time...this always makes them cry a little. That little tired whimper kind of cry, awww so sad. Before we even left she had already started protesting her seat, even for a quick trip to the store...ya know the whole stiff like a board thing? So with that behavior on board, i was prepared for the glad i brought the harmonica. Between it and Scarlett saying "mama" every 2 minutes i was in tears...from laughter luckily. Just imagining anyone else sitting with me in the passenger seat dealing with the "mama's" and the "im hungry" (even though you just ate a whole sandwich) every couple of minutes seemed enough to drive any sane person completely mad...but me, i was just laughing and enjoying myself. Did i mention that i forgot music hahahahaha that was a real knee slapper! We stopped to picnic by the beach, in local parks and found great places to eat and use the bathroom...thanks mostly to my phone. Oh yes, verizon texted me a message saying that i could try out the GPS on my phone for a few days before we was awesome. I located all the drive thru Dutch Bros. so i could down mate whenever i liked...and looking for a great taco shop or natural foods grocery was a snap! So...for truckin part one we have pics from the oregon zoo!

It was super! we rode the train...saw the bats...licked the giraffe, waved at elephants, played with penguins, followed a leopard and stared at a crocodile. great zoo!