Wednesday, June 17, 2009


we rocked out at benbow. it was really fun...saturday we listened to music and enjoyed the sun...and DID NOT get anywhere near the kids zone...thank goodness me oh my...but Sunday Scarlett jumped in the bounce house, got her face painted, floated down a waterfall with clowns, hula hooped, became a real forrest fairy, and ran naked in the river....while I listened to great music, drank lots of water, ate yummy indian food, conversed with other mamas and danced with India. We camped and were spoiled with real bathrooms and a water spout.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

humboldt hack

yes its back...been a full year since i had the cough that wouldnt its not whooping cough, thank you very much...but i have these lovely herbs helping me thru it...and its almost gone...lucky me