Thursday, November 11, 2010

fergit agin

i almost forgot i started this blog....i could use the excuse that some of the letters on my keyboard are broken and its too frustrating to type anything anymore...or tell you that ive just been travelling all summer and couldnt remember my ogin information...or that facebook is my new blogspot? well, im here ready to post some love up for you family and fer me hearties...this week has been filled with laughter because India is talking up a storm and she says the funniest she explained how carrots grow and frogs hop and why and whatfor and whatever and it took a really long time and it was hilariously inaccurate. Scarlett is in her second session of ballet and shes so sweet...she sings and dances everyday and just loves folowing her teacher around and walking on her tippiest toes. everyones hair is longer...our farm share is almost over...the heater gets turned on every morning now...the time change will afford me some moments for blogging. there really is so