Wednesday, April 21, 2010

bringing the old

i am amazed at the feelings i process when someone is a cross between overwhelming release, deep old love, pure joy and appreciation for transitions. Spring is such a time of transition...what a beautiful time to the green and baby fresh new push their way up and open.... the older, wiser and ready are slowing, sleeping and ready to become earth again. I see images of dear auntie pat before i was even born...running around with three boys, so young beautiful and witty. black and white memories with polka dot dresses and short mowed lawns. faces that look like faces of all of us. freckles, laughter...and such appreciation she had of love and the hearts of people. surrounded by flowers. surrounded by friends. living in beauty and reaching out to family. i will miss you sweet soul!

1 comment:

jessie said...

love the images that i too now have of your auntie, lo! imagine how we're gonna feel looking back at our mama pile pix 40 years from now! and what our kids are going to think of them .. :)