Tuesday, February 2, 2010

bulking up

Happy Imbolc! I dont really care if winter stays for another month or so, or if Spring comes early. I do care, however, that its about that time to start mapping out the summer festival circuit...and now that my youngest tiny will be 2 this summer...the face of our summer touring and travel has significantly changed. I think it will be easier now that they can both dance and run around...thank goodness I have that double stroller! (i love you BOB)
Our little family is on a bit of a routine now that Scarlett is attending gymnastics, ballet and fairy school. While some things are the same, having to be someplace at a specific time is really different for us. So far so good...and I am diligently working on the website...bulking up supplies and products for the spring/summer launch. I also seem to have many side art projects going on, which is great for me as long as i can remember to take some time out for a walk or workout. Yoga in the livingroom usually means i get a knee in my back while my hair is being raked with a fork. good fun. Fiber batt workshop went well last night. see:

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